Monday, November 24, 2008

My Hope Singapore!

Christmas with Crestere

Date: 19th December 2008
Time: 2pm - 6pm
Venue: Amabel's place (5 to 10 mins walk from Bishan MRT station)

Carols - Alyssa
Games - Amabel & Crystal
Food - Anissa & Charlene
Admin / Log (decor, $, etc) - Amelia & Andrea

Lets be praying for this Christmas! :)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Word and I :)

Hey hey hey! Yea a lil' revival to this blog! :) Some updates for xiaowen to read, and for you girls who weren't at service or cell. I shall try to keep this short, cos I figured out no one will read if its too long..!

Basically today's sermon was about "The Word and I".
1) Blessing is found in obedience to God's word - Don't be self-deceived
2) Blessing is found in complete obedience to His precepts - Don't be selective
3) Blessing is found in putting God's word in our hear - Don't be superficial

Its a choice whether we want to live according to the word and obey the word (obey God), or merely choose it to just be a head knowledge which we do not apply. God gives us the freedom to choose, no one else can decide for us, not even God. So whats your choice this day?

And in cell group we shared about what we hope to see through the cluster camp from 12th-15th June. They're simple things, such as obedience, encountering God, focusing on the word more, experiencing Him in a different way, growing closer to God and to the cell etc.. They are simple, yet difficult. Simple things are always thought to be the easiest, yet it takes more discipline and delibrate effort to get them done. Do not let this camp be a one-time off event, but let it be a life transforming experience.

A challenge to all of us this week: Lets use BICEPS to aid us in our quiet time! (like what andrea says, we'll all get spiritual biceps soon!)

Belief to Embrace
Items for Prayer
Command to Obey
Example to Follow
Promise to Claim
Sins to Avoid

Apply BICEPS to at least one verse from the psalm we are reading for the day. It just takes a short 5 minutes :) Lets come back to share next week! And lets be memorising the word together and be praying for one another!

Loves, lijuan :)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Amabel's Birthday Celebration

Hey you guys...

I know this is quite overdue already. Hehe...well, you know what they always say, better late than never. haha...

~Bel Bel~

Sunday, January 20, 2008

My EverEver After.

Hey! What ever happened to not letting this blog die, huh Andrea?! LOL!

Firstly, all the best to all those getting back their results some times next week :) I'm sure by God's grace we all conquered the O's much better than we expected. Because by faith we exceed our own strength.

Secondly, I just want to share my thanksgivings. Thank you Alyssa and Xiao Wen, for at this time of me being all paranoid and all, praying for me and just being for me, no matter how ridiculous I sound whenever I freak out about the results. Which is alot, fyi. And Alyssa for being my "support group", for all this time, being such an awesome sister in Christ that I can always count on. Thank God for me making the decision to go for YA yesterday, and from learning so many valuable lessons from the kids.

I think what's missing in this cell group sometimes is mutual trust. Maybe this is only the case for me, but you realise my "support group" is only Alyssa and maybe Xiao Wen. Maybe it's just what has happened to me that makes me want to draw away from people and not allowing people to reach out for me or me reaching out to people either. But together as a cell, let's be sensitive to everyone, be each other's support group! :)

Starting your fashion, wear your heart on your sleeve
Sometimes you reach what's real just by making believe
Unafraid, unashamed
There is joy to be claimed in this world
You even might wind up being glad to be you
Let's be there for each other 24/7, and not just every sunday.
